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Tutorial - Gathering Items you Need

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Go into the Tutorial area in the Roost and you’ll see Gates the gatekeeper. Click him and you’ll be given these instructions.

  • Gates: Gonna make me repeat meself, are ya Marco? Fine.
  • Gates: Ahoy, Marco ! This here be the tutorial area to learn you on the crafting system we have here in Pirates Destiny
  • Gates: If you do it right, you will wind up with a starter kit of tools. An axe, a shovel, and a pickaxe! All you need to make your own tools. I will caution you, the starter tools will last 1 week, then become useless. But that is plenty of time to get your own.
  • Gates: Well, if you're ready, just go in the opening behind me. Before you panic, don't worry, I will be coming along. Just to help you along. If you miss what I say, just nudge (touch) me, and I will repeat it all for you.
The first place you enter is the treasure digging area, where you’ll be given a Tutorial Shovel:
  • Gates: There you are, Marco ! One of the easier and more profitable crafts we have is treasure hunting. See that crevice up there? There be treasure for one with the gumption to just put in a bit of hard work.
  • Gates: Let me show you. Take this here shovel and attach it. Then go up to that crevice and touch it. When something pops out, simply touch the item, and accept it. It's as easy as that.
  • Gates: Dig holes can contain anything from bones filled with coins, to scrap metal, even precious gems! In this tutorial you will only get scrap metal but keep it. You will need it later in the lesson. Once you get your scrape, continue out the tunnel and I will see you on the other side! Oh, you can delete your shovel when done here, it isn't useful anywhere else. Good luck!
The next place you enter is the mining area, where you’ll be given a Tutorial Pickaxe.
  • Gates: Good to see you again, Marco ! Let's continue the lesson, shall we? This is a simplified version of the mine. The mine is quite useful for gathering ore, you need to make ingots. In the real mine, each of the ores spawn random metals, but here, we will just have iron and a coal. You will need to gather two of each for the next step in the exercise.
  • Gates: First, you will need a mine cart, because honestly it is quite difficult to run around with your hands full of ore! Click the mine cart over there, and the push (sit on) the cart that rezzes. Oh! You will need this!
  • Gates: Push the cart to the ore deposits, then stand and click the ore. When the ore appears, re-sit on the cart and click the ore. Follow the prompts to load it into the cart! You HAVE to be sitting on the cart for the ore to load! Remember, your two iron and two coal to continue. Once done, continue through the far exit with your cart. I will see you on the other side.
Next, you’ll enter the smelter where you’ll make your ingots.
  • Gate: Ah I see you survived the mine, Marco! Now you have some raw materials, lets make some useful things. First..push your cart over to the Smelter over there. Touch it while you are seated on your cart, and it will load all you ore into the smelter. Your poor cart will collapse, but not to worry. After the cart collapses, you'll want to touch the smelter, pick 'Smelt Ingot', touch again, and pick 'Iron'. When the smelter is done, you will see an iron bar on the ground. Just click it! Once done, make a second Iron Ingot for use later.
  • Gate: When that is all done, go to the anvil. Rez the two iron ingots and the scrap metal you got earlier on the ground. Click the anvil and chose 'Load Anvil'. Your ingots and scrap will vanish. You are now ready to make things!
  • Gate: Touch the anvil and pick 'Make Item'. Then touch again and pick 'Shovel Head'. After a bit of work you will get the fruits of your labors! Since you still have scrap metal loaded, make 'Nails'. This will been needed later. Once done, step through the tunnel to the next section. There I will teach you how to get lumber.
Gathering Lumber: Here you’ll have a different man Named Oldman Fur Coat. Click him to get him to talk to you.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Gonna make me repeat meself, are ya Marco? Fine.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: You're almost done, Marco! Most the tools require wood, so we are here to show you how to get it! First you need a lumber cart, a horse to pull it! If you have your own horse, attach it now, other wise click the demo horse sign to get a free demo good for 5 rides. Once you have a horse, click the lumber cart yonder, then sit on the front of the cart. Now your ready to find trees! Oh, you will need this axe as well./li>
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Ride your cart up to that tree yonder, then get off and start chopping. When the tree falls, get back on your cart and load (touch) the log. That's all there is to it.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: When done, go through the far tunnel and I will see you there.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: You're almost done, Marco! Most the tools require wood, so we are here to show you how to get it! First you need a lumber cart, a horse to pull it! If you have your own horse, attach it now, other wise click the demo horse sign to get a free demo good for 5 rides. Once you have a horse, click the lumber cart yonder, then sit on the front of the cart. Now your ready to find trees! But, you will need this axe as well.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Ride your cart up to that tree yonder, then get off and start chopping. When the tree falls, get back on your cart and load (touch) the log. That's all there is to it.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: When done, go through the far tunnel and I will see you there.
Cutting logs into lumber:
  • OldMan Fur Coat: You're in the home stretch, Marco! Ride you lumber cart to the hoist and load your lumber into the sawmill. I caution you, stay on the cart. It will likely fall apart when empty. When your bundle of lumber shows, touch it.
Making Tools:
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Once that is done, take your nails, lumber, and shovel head to the work bench. Load everything into the table, then chose make. Touch again and choose shovel. Of course, normally you would get a shovel, but since you have done so much work, you will get a PD starter tool pack. The pack will contain a shovel, a pickaxe, and a axe for use on the estate.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: I have to warn you, these tools will only last a week, and then become useless, but that is plenty of time for you to make real tools for yourself! When you are done just take the door by the table and start your adventure! Good luck!
Final Instructions:
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Gonna make me repeat meself, are ya Marco? Fine.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: You're in the home stretch, Marco! Ride you lumber cart to the hoist and load your lumber into the sawmill. I caution you, stay on the cart. It will likely fall apart when empty. When your bundle of lumber shows, touch it.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: Once that is done, take your nails, lumber, and shovel head to the work bench. Load every thing into the table, then chose make. Touch again and choose shovel. Of course normally you would get a shovel, but since you have done so much work, you will get a PD starter tool pack. The pack will contain a shovel, a pickaxe, and a axe for use on the estate.
  • OldMan Fur Coat: I have to warn you, these tools will only last a week, and then become useless, but that is plenty of time for you to make real tools for yourself! When you are done just take the door by the table, and start your adventure! Good luck!