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Pirates Destiny Meters

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There are basically two Meters use for activities and roleplay here at Pirate Destiny, One is the PD HUD used primarily for money and commerce and the other is the PD COMBAT METER used for land battles, sea battles and stamina used when performing any given task or activity.

PD HUD (Commerce)

Your new PD HUD will be sent to your Inventory \ Objects from where it can be right‐click and attached.

It can be sent from visiting Pirates Destiny Welcome Center (The Roost), just go up the stairs and meet captain James Flint. James Flint will give it at first visit, and when you click him at later visits. A new PD HUD may be auto-sent an old version expires, or taken from the PD HUD menu.

The PD HUD is made to fit to the left of the screen and when you click the PD banner at top it will flop out of screen to the left, showing the PD banner only. Another click will show the full PD HUD once more.

Click any Coin, Pearl or Gem to open the count selector (up to max 10 can be chosen or as many below that you own). The chosen amount will be sent to your Inventory \ Objects or cancelled by button “Cancel”.

Note: if you experience difficulties try reattaching the HUD again. Also please keep in mind that when updates occur to the HUD your old version will no longer work

Of course when still in doubt you can ask any ADMIN for assistance or any of our friendly players here on the Islands.


PDC is a combat system based on and fully compatible with the SPD system made by Chase Speculaas, the most popular combat system in Pirate RP sims.

The commands supported by PDC are as follows:

Arena On/Off: Turns the meter off and displays an "out of character" message. click yourself and select "return" to reactivate the meter.

OOC: Turns the meter off and displays an "out of character" message. click yourself and select "return" to reactivate the meter.

Swim On/Off: Allows you to turn the swim mode on or off.

Title: Say whatever you'd like to title yourself in the local chat. Lets you set a custom title for yourself above your health display. Custom titles are limited to 20 characters though, so don't be too verbose.

Gender: Allows you to set your gender. Animations and sound effects are gender specific.

Suicide: Instantly kills you. This may be useful in certain RP situations.

Other Commands:

Reset: This option is only available when you are dead. When your meter drops below 0%, for the first 20 seconds another player can click you and either drag you or heal you. after that you are dead and can only be dragged. The healer must stay by you for 20 seconds without getting killed for the healing to work.

Mermaid or Human: You will receive this propt the first time you wear the combat meter.

Mermaid: Sets your Combat Meter to mermaid mode. Mermaids must remain underwater or they will drown. Your Meter text will turn blue to show that you are in mermaid mode.

Human: Sets your Combat Meter to human mode. If you sink under water too long in this mode, you'll drown.

There are two main types of weapons that are used with PDC: Ranged weapons (guns) and melee
weapons (swords).

Ranged weapons must be made by an approved weapon maker to do damage.

Caution: As an anti‐cheat device, the PDC meter uses an Enforce Reload Time feature that prevents a person from defeating the sim's prescribed reload time. If your gun does not configure itself to the appropriate reload time, then it's possible it will allow you to fire more often than your target's Health will permit you to hit them. If this happens, shots coming in more often than allowed will be ignored. If your gun experiences this problem, a quick fix is to pay attention to your target's health value; it increases at the rate of 1 every second. You can use this to figure out when you're allowed to hit that person again based on the sim's prescribed reload time.

Thanks to PDC's built‐in Melee Controller, anything you can hold in your hands can be used as a melee weapon. Weapon scripts are provided to weapon makers to allow the weapon to inform the meter what the weapon type is. If you are using a legacy SPD sword arm bands are available to set the meter for SPD‐Sword.

Melee combat is performed by holding down the left mouse button and tapping an arrow key. As many arrow keys as you like can be hit to perform attacks as long as you continue to hold the mouse button down. You can fight outside of Mouselook, but most people prefer to use Mouselook.


  • Mouse button + Up arrow key = Sword strike. It also has a slightly farther reach than the rest of the attacks.
  • Mouse button + Left arrow key = Left‐handed punch.
  • Mouse button + Right arrow key = Roundhouse kick.
  • Mouse button + Down arrow key = One‐two punch.
  • If critical hits are enabled in the sim rules, sword strikes and one‐two punches have a chance to do double‐damage if they are critical hits.

    If you have your sound turned on, you can listen to the sounds the Melee Controller makes as you attack. Every strike you make has a corresponding "whoosh" noise. Every time you land a hit, there's an accompanying noise depending on the strike type. By paying attention to these sounds, you can tell how effective your combat style is.

    Caution: Many swords will override the animations and sound effects of the Melee Controller. This will not affect the damage you can deal, but it may affect the sound and animation behavior, rendering the statement about sound above invalid.

    Caution: While you are outside of Mouselook, it's possible to click a script touchable object, an SL window, or outside of the SL window altogether. If you click on any of these, your mouse click will not be given to the Melee Controller and your attack won't go through.

    Other features of PDC:
    PDC attempts to provide a fuller combat experience, as well as have several features geared towards roleplaying. They are as follows:

    Stamina is a new feature of the PDC Meter. Your stmina will degrade over time. Certain tasks will have a stamina cost as well. Should your stamina drop below 20 you will no longer be able to heal. Stamina can be increased with food and drink.

    Fall damage:
    If fall damage is turned on in the sim rules, falling far enough to trigger the stumbling landing or the bellyflop animation will cause you to take damage, accompanied by a bone‐crunching sound effect.

    If drowning is turned on in the sim rules, spending too much time underwater can be disastrous to your health. Don't worry, the PDC Health meter will tell you how long you have until disaster strikes. When you surface, you slowly begin to regain your lung capacity and can soon attempt another dive.

    Sometimes, things just blow up. If you're in range of an explosion, you will take damage from it. How much damage is determined in the sim rules. What explodes? Powder kegs and explosive shot, mostly. SPD and TSS compatible ships also explode when they sink.

    Sound Effects:
    To add a bit to the immersion, PDC includes more than 10 sound effects that are triggered by whatever's happening around you. There are sounds when you swing your weapons, sounds when you take damage and sounds when you become incapacitated.

    Enforcement of "Downed" status:
    When you lose all your health, you collapse on the ground with the appropriate message. It's up to the sim rules to decide if you're dead or merely incapacitated. When you're in this state, you are prevented from moving or attacking. Should you be able to find a way to continue attempting to attack, the other PDC Health meters in the battle know you're dead and will not take damage from you until you reset your health.